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About Us


After spending time living in Jamaica, W.I. and St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., we became acutely aware of the massive problem of stray animals, and alongside it, plastic pollution. 


An immense cultural change has to happen in these communities in order for things to improve. 


There is simply not enough education and awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering not only your own pets, but also those in the community.  Awareness-building is needed if we are going to begin to see change.  


At the same time, we saw the mountain of a landfill on St. Thomas growing with every passing day (pictured above).  The limited recycling that had started there, had come to a halt due to Covid-19.


The Humane Society animal shelter on the island is overcrowded as usual, with crates filled with animals lining the hallways.   Many dogs not getting out for a walk even once a day.  Their only hope for a second chance is an adoption/foster/transport out, but all of those are of course limited due to resources and availability.  Only the fortunate of these poor kind animals, who never asked to be born, get this second chance.  


Something had to be done!


Finding a way to help the two challenging issues in one was imperative, and so a volunteer recruitment effort, and DoggyBags For Shelters were created to try to make a dent! 


-Globally Clean®



P.S. This cannot go without saying a big thank you to our loyal animal heroes working tirelessly on the islands to help the cause. 


Things can get better with every action that we make.




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